## Inventory {#inventory} ### Dance notations {#dance-notations} Besides the two schools of Laban and Benesh, we can mention other notation systems. * [Eshkol-Wachman movement notation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eshkol-Wachman_movement_notation )  * [Le Danse.R, Raphael Bach](http://notadanse.asso-web.com/uploaded/Notices/notice-du-danse-r.pdf) ### Tools, dictionaries, programming languages {#tools-languages} * [Understanding Bezier curves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve)   * Logo language Seymour Papert, [*Talking Turtle*](https://youtu.be/bOf4EMN6-XA?list=PLlUr-fJyB7_jbEOS0sgQ9HutBN3LUJLa7), video documentary [Logo commands](http://derrel.net/ep/logo/logo_com.htm ) [Logo Interpreter PZI](https://gitlab.com/pzi-prototyping/seymour) * [Another Logo Interpreter]https://github.com/inexorabletash/jslogo * HPGL [HPGL Manuals](http://music.columbia.edu/cmc/chiplotle/manual/chapters/tutorial/shapes.html/ ) HPGL Command → Meaning ``` IN →initialize, start a plotting job IP → set the initial point (origin), in this case the default 0,0 SC0,40,0,40 → allows scaling in millimeters since 1 mm = 40 plotter units. Each user-unit is 1 millimeter, in both X and Y directions SP1 → select pen 1 PU0,0 → lift Pen Up and move to starting point for next action PD100,0,100,100,0,100,0,0 →put Pen Down and move to the following locations (draw a box around the page) PU50,50 →Pen Up and move to X,Y coordinates 50,50 (in this case mm, after the SC command) CI25 → draw a circle with radius 25 (mm) SS → select the standard font DT*,1 →set the text delimiter to the asterisk, and do not print them (the 1, meaning "true") PU20,80 → lift the pen and move to 20,80 LBHello World* → draw a label LTlinetype,length → set line type and its repetition length CSxx → set character set (e.g. 33 is German) DIx,y → set direction of text given as the catheti SIww,hh →set character width and height ``` * Metafont * Hektor  * INkML [InkML](https://www.w3.org/TR/InkML/ )  * GML [Graffiti Markup Language - GML](http://www.graffitimarkuplanguage.com/g-m-l-spec/ ) ## Mediagraphy, resources {#resources} ### literature {#literature} * Fernand Baudin, L’écriture au tableau noir, Retz, 1984 * [Walter Crane, Line and Form, 1900](http://www.gutenberg.org/files/25290/25290-h/25290-h.htm ) * Tim Ingold, Une Brève histoire des lignes, Zones Sensibles, 2011 * [Vilém Flusser, «Le geste d’écrire», in Flusser Studies, n°8, Mai 2009](http://reader.lgru.net/texts/le-geste-decrire/ ) - http://www.flusserstudies.net/pag/08/le-geste-d-ecrire.pdf (english link is broken) * [Donald Knuth, «The Concept of a Meta-Font», in Visible Language, issue 16.1, January 1982; traduction «Le concept de métafonte», in Communication et langages, n°55, 1983, pp. 40–53,](http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/colan_0336-1500_1983_num_55_1_1549 ) * Donald Knuth, «Lessons learned from MetaFont», in Visible Language, issue 19.1, December 1985 * Gerrit Noordzij, The Stroke — theory of writing, Hyphen Press, 2006 * [Femke Snelting, «Scenes of Pressures and relief», 2009](http://snelting.domainepublic.net/texts/pressure.txt ) * [Seymour Papert, «Talking Turtle», documentaire vidéo](https://youtu.be/bOf4EMN6-XA?list=PLlUr-fJyB7_jbEOS0sgQ9HutBN3LUJLa7 ) * [François Chastanet, «Dishu: Ground Calligraphy in China»](http://vimeo.com/album/1877116 ) * [Typographic vocabulary relating to body](http://www.zigzaganimal.be/elements/zigzag_anatomie-typographique.pdf ) * [Of the Just Shaping of Letters by Albrecht Dürer](http://www.zigzaganimal.be/elements/just_shaping_scan.pdf ), traduction anglaise à partir de la version latine de Underweysung der Messung mit dem Zirckel und Richtscheyt, livre III ### research {#research} * [Possible bodies] http://possiblebodies.constantvzw.org/inventory/ ### dance, draw {#dance-draw} * [Drumming, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas & Ictus] http://www.rosas.be/fr/productions/355-drumming * [Trisha Brown Drawing/Performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7DQVW6qRq8) * [Penwald: 8: 12 by 12 on knees, Tony Orrico](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UeuL5BUgBM) ### write {#write} * [The Powers of Katsu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UK6_cp5Q6I) same movement/sign with differents parts of the body * [L.A.S.E.R. Tag from Graffiti Research Lab](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY6vfJAxtH8#!) ### measure {#measure} * Stanley Brouwn. In 1960, Stanley Brouwn started *This Way Brouwn* serie, sketches of itinerary sketched by passers-by to whom he asks his way and where he then imposes his stamp.  * Esther Ferrer [Le chemin se fait en marchant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KflUAhQXI)