diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 46c4938e73e39d5ea048de625479da51e3cf7ab0..cb42e12e12e35c4055edd66307c385e006ac52cc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ smooth connected paths are made out of an extremely restrictive grid, like multi
 * flask
 * figlet
 * svgbob
-* [optional] [vpype](https://github.com/abey79/vpype), for converting to HPGL
+* [vpype](https://github.com/abey79/vpype), for converting to HPGL
 ## installation
@@ -54,15 +54,18 @@ Please follow the [installation instructions](https://github.com/abey79/vpype#in
 * figlet font library of JavE (a free Ascii Editor), <http://www.jave.de/figlet/fonts.html>. those also include the figlet ftp native, they where sorted in order to keep only the uniques ones.
 ## todo
-* redo catalogue!
+* vpype simplify
+* reload bug in draw
+* image tab
+* better 
-* iframe per category for less computing time 
-* left and right reload in draw & font
 * input listen when opening page (for browser history remember)
 * factorise JS
 * factorise CSS
 * show font-info file
-* option to save as hpgl
diff --git a/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_encoder.cpython-38.pyc b/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_encoder.cpython-38.pyc
index c390ed8b16536a524da8eaa5025e7c96e43f5b19..629aa724c5c56ac30aac20db4f453ea6b3e96440 100644
Binary files a/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_encoder.cpython-38.pyc and b/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_encoder.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_output.cpython-38.pyc b/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_output.cpython-38.pyc
index 94a2efa6330955f9b6e8c3e64c6e2df8c230d724..98b904ed92e71898cecb96d283df5368cae1ec0a 100644
Binary files a/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_output.cpython-38.pyc and b/__pycache__/hpgl_multipen_output.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/__pycache__/svg_to_hpgl.cpython-38.pyc b/__pycache__/svg_to_hpgl.cpython-38.pyc
index be192cfd0cc31c634a451d5fb59e06108bf8fb6f..c7d938aba9078e0e3953344f76edc72bea2934ca 100644
Binary files a/__pycache__/svg_to_hpgl.cpython-38.pyc and b/__pycache__/svg_to_hpgl.cpython-38.pyc differ
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
index 13a7e7cc59ca257a6cfce6df8001fdb9dc878217..5ef9e6aaaa81592781c79be660d4e7bd29369dda 100644
--- a/app.py
+++ b/app.py
@@ -6,13 +6,12 @@ import sys
 import tempfile
 import io
 import requests
-# from svg_to_hpgl import svgToHPGL
 app = Flask(__name__)
 title = 'Cobbled paths'
-fonts_directory = 'db/'
+fonts_directory = 'static/db/'
 possible_extensions = [".flf"]
 etherpad = 'https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/'
 prefix = 'cobbled-pad-'
@@ -86,14 +85,51 @@ def text2figlet(text, figfont):
     return answer
-def ascii2svg(ascii, weight):
+def ascii2svg(ascii, weight='3', scale='1'):
     if ascii:
         print('--- SVGBOB SUBPROCESS')
-        svgbob = subprocess.run(["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', weight], input = ascii, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
+        svgbob = subprocess.run([
+            "svgbob_cli", 
+                '--stroke-width', weight, 
+                '--scale', scale], 
+            input = ascii, 
+            stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
         return svgbob.stdout
         return "ERROR: etherpad request failed"
+def simplifySVG(svg):
+    # store as a temporary file
+    (svg_file, svg_path) = tempfile.mkstemp('.svg')
+    (svg_file_cleaned, svg_path_cleaned) = tempfile.mkstemp('.svg')
+    with open(svg_file, 'w') as svg_handle:
+        svg_handle.write(svg)
+    vpype = subprocess.run([
+        "vpype",
+        "read",
+            "--single-layer", svg_path,
+        "linesimplify",
+            "-t", "0.05mm",
+        "linemerge",
+            "-t", "0.25mm",
+        "linesort",
+        "write",
+            svg_path_cleaned
+    ])
+    response = ''
+    with open(svg_file_cleaned, 'r') as svg_handle_cleaned:
+        response = svg_handle_cleaned.read()
+    # remove tmp file
+    os.remove(svg_path)
+    os.remove(svg_path_cleaned)
+    return response
 def ascii_autofix(ascii):
     print('--- REGEX AUTOFIX')
     for regex, replace in autofix:
@@ -149,11 +185,21 @@ def parse_collection():
                     f = {}
                     f['name'] = name
                     f['database'] = database
-                    f['figfont'] = figfont
+                    f['path'] = figfont
                     # sort them by type
+                    # make thumbnail
+                    thumbnail_ascii = text2figlet("A", figfont)[1]
+                    thumbnail_svg = ascii2svg(thumbnail_ascii, '2', '0.66')
+                    thumbnail_path = os.path.join(root, basename) + '.svg'
+                    thumbnail_file = open(thumbnail_path, "w")
+                    thumbnail_file.write(thumbnail_svg)
+                    thumbnail_file.close()
+                    f['thumbnail'] = '/' + thumbnail_path
 # ------------------------------
@@ -256,7 +302,7 @@ def writing(id):
     if '.flf' in params['pad']:
         # it's not a pad it's a local figfont file
-        figfont = '/'.join(params['pad'].split('_'))
+        figfont = '/'.join(params['pad'].split('$'))
         figlet_answer = text2figlet(params['text'], figfont)
         if figlet_answer[0]:
@@ -315,14 +361,36 @@ def catalogue():
         collection = collection,
         params = params)
+def specimen(type):
+    params = {
+        'text': request.args.get('t') or 'Plotter Station',
+        'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
+    }
+    total = ''
+    for figfont in collection[type]['fonts']:
+        figlet_answer = text2figlet(params['text'], figfont['path'])
+        if figlet_answer[0]:
+            total = total + figlet_answer[1] + '"' + figfont['name'] + '(' + figfont['database'] + ')' + '"\n\n'
+    svg = ascii2svg(total, params['weight'])
+    return render_template(
+        'drawing.html',
+        title = title,
+        params = params,
+        svg = svg)
 #  _                 _                              _   
 # | |__  _ __   __ _| |   _____  ___ __   ___  _ __| |_ 
 # | '_ \| '_ \ / _` | |  / _ \ \/ / '_ \ / _ \| '__| __|
 # | | | | |_) | (_| | | |  __/>  <| |_) | (_) | |  | |_ 
 # |_| |_| .__/ \__, |_|  \___/_/\_\ .__/ \___/|_|   \__|
 #       |_|    |___/              |_|   
 def resizeSVG (m):
     width = int(m.group(1))
@@ -335,6 +403,20 @@ def resizeSVG (m):
     return f'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="{viewbox}" width="{newWidth}mm" height="{newHeight}mm" class="svgbob">'
+# @app.route('/svg/<id>')
+# def svg (id):
+#     params = {
+#         'pad': id or 'default',
+#         'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
+#     }
+#     params['pad-full'] = etherpad + prefix + params['pad']
+#     # get pad content
+#     print('  getting ' + params['pad-full'])
+#     pad_export = requests.get(params['pad-full'] + '/export/txt')
+#     ascii = pad_export.text
 def hpgl (id):
     params = {
@@ -369,6 +451,8 @@ def hpgl (id):
             "297mm", "420mm",
+        "linesimplify",
+            "-t", "0.05mm",
             "-t", "0.25mm",
@@ -391,6 +475,8 @@ def hpgl (id):
     return r
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     app.run(debug=True, host='')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hpgl_multipen_encoder.py b/deprecated/hpgl_multipen_encoder.py
similarity index 100%
rename from hpgl_multipen_encoder.py
rename to deprecated/hpgl_multipen_encoder.py
diff --git a/hpgl_multipen_output.py b/deprecated/hpgl_multipen_output.py
similarity index 100%
rename from hpgl_multipen_output.py
rename to deprecated/hpgl_multipen_output.py
diff --git a/hpgl_output_adapted.py b/deprecated/hpgl_output_adapted.py
similarity index 100%
rename from hpgl_output_adapted.py
rename to deprecated/hpgl_output_adapted.py
diff --git a/svg_to_hpgl.py b/deprecated/svg_to_hpgl.py
similarity index 100%
rename from svg_to_hpgl.py
rename to deprecated/svg_to_hpgl.py
diff --git a/static/css/basics.css b/static/css/basics.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..775aeedca53d577ce8db3ba27b7370d3b4990a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/css/basics.css
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+    font-family: monospace;
+    font-size: 0.875rem;
+    line-height: 1.45;
+    color: var(--c-link);
+    font-weight: bold;
+    margin: 0.5rem 0;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    border: 0;
+    border-top: 1px solid black;
+    margin: 1rem 0 1rem;
+    display: none;
+    font-weight: bold;
+    font-weight: bold;
+input, button, label{
+    font-family: monospace;
+    display: block;
+    font-size: 0.875rem;
+label, input{
+    display: inline-block;
+    position: fixed;
+    top: 0.5rem;
+    right: 0.5em;
+#save-buttons > input,
+#save-buttons > button, 
+#save-buttons > label{
+    margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
+    margin-left: auto;
+    height: 100vh;
+    display: grid;
+    grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
+    gap: 1rem;
+    margin: 0;
+.double-font > div{
+    background-color: white;
+    border: 1px solid black;
+    overflow: auto;
+    padding: 1rem;
+    font-family: monospace;
+    font-size: 1rem;
+    font-family: monospace;
+    font-size: 1rem;
+.svgbob text {
+    font-family: monospace !important;
+    font-weight: bold !important;
+    fill: red !important;
+.svgbob text{
+    visibility: hidden;
+body.check-text .svgbob text{
+    visibility: visible;
+    overflow: visible;
+/* autofix colors */
+    border-bottom: solid limegreen 3px;
+    outline: 1px solid limegreen;
+    outline: none;
+    color: limegreen;
+    font-weight: bold;
diff --git a/static/css/interface.css b/static/css/interface.css
index c6a283efbddbada95f0c5c86193f6b8f8ff1e60d..9f9109ade2ee6e4091ab963a34524c7842008302 100644
--- a/static/css/interface.css
+++ b/static/css/interface.css
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
     --bar-h: 3rem;
     --c-link: blue;
     --c-back: whitesmoke;
     --c-default: black;
     --c-contributed: palegreen;
     --c-jave: mediumpurple;
     --c: var(--c-default);
@@ -18,21 +16,8 @@
     --c: var(--c-jave);
     background-color: var(--c-back);
-    font-family: monospace;
-    font-size: 0.875rem;
-    line-height: 1.45;
-    color: var(--c-link);
-    font-weight: bold;
-    margin: 0.5rem 0;
 /*  BAR 
@@ -103,15 +88,6 @@ nav ul a.active{
     z-index: 99;
-    font-weight: bold;
-input, button{
-    font-family: monospace;
-    font-weight: bold;
     width: 26em;
@@ -121,9 +97,6 @@ strong{
     margin: none;
     margin-left: auto;
-    font-weight: bold;
     content: 'reload';
@@ -145,8 +118,7 @@ label{
     box-sizing: border-box;
-    padding: 1rem 2rem;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid black;
+    padding: 0 2rem 1rem;
     display: flex;
@@ -223,76 +195,34 @@ aside.left{
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;
-    border: 0;
-    border-top: 1px solid black;
-    margin: 1rem 0 1rem;
     margin-top: 1rem;
-    display: none;
-    overflow: visible;
-/* autofix colors */
-    border-bottom: solid limegreen 3px;
-    outline: 1px solid limegreen;
-    outline: none;
-    color: limegreen;
-    font-weight: bold;
-    border-bottom: solid red 3px;
-.svgbob text {
-    font-family: monospace !important;
-    font-weight: bold !important;
-    fill: red !important;
-/* body class checkboxes */
-.font div.fix{
-    visibility: hidden;
-body.check-fix .font div.fix{
-    visibility: visible;
-.svgbob text{
-    visibility: hidden;
-body.check-text .svgbob text{
-    visibility: visible;
 /*  TITLE 
     ================================================= */
-    padding: 3rem 2rem;
+    padding: 2rem 2rem;
     gap: 1rem var(--bar-h);
     grid-template-columns: repeat(2, calc(50% - calc(var(--bar-h) / 2)));
 .title .f-ascii{
     margin-left: auto;
-    padding: 0;
-    background: initial;
     grid-row: auto;
 .title .f-svg{
     grid-row: auto;
     margin-right: auto;
     padding: 0;
+.title .f-ascii,
+.title .f-svg{
+    padding: 0;
     background: initial;
+    border: none;
+    width: auto;
 .title .special{
     grid-column: 1 / -1;
@@ -303,14 +233,20 @@ ul.special{
     display: flex;
     gap: 1rem;
     justify-content: center;
-    align-items: baseline;
+    align-items: center;
-.special a{
+.special .materiality{
     display: block;
     border: 1px solid currentColor;
-    padding: 2rem 3rem;
+    padding: 1rem 2rem;
     border-radius: 2rem;
     text-decoration: none;
+    text-align: center;
+.special .choice{
+    display: flex;
+    gap: 1rem;
+    flex-direction: column;
     list-style: initial;
@@ -338,15 +274,38 @@ details{
 details[open] > summary{
     background-color: var(--c-link);
+    color: white;
+    position: relative;
+.collection-menu[open] .collection-menu-back{
+    position: fixed;
+    inset: 0;
+    top: var(--bar-h);
+    padding: 0 1rem 1rem;
+    background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.85);
+    background-color: var(--c-back);
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-end;
+    flex-direction: column;
-    padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
-    background: black;
-    color: white;
+    padding: calc(1rem - 1px) 1rem;
+    height: var(--bar-h);
+    border-top: 1px solid var(--c-back);
+    box-sizing: border-box;
+    background: lightgray;
+    color: black;
     cursor: pointer;
     white-space: nowrap;
     padding-right: 3rem;
+    z-index: 999;
+    position: relative;
 summary span{
     display: inline-block;
@@ -355,45 +314,70 @@ summary span{
 summary + div{
     position: absolute;
-    left: 100%;
+    left: calc(100% + 1px);
     top: 0;
+    position: absolute;
+    left: calc(100% + 1px);
+    top: calc(-1 * var(--bar-h) * calc(var(--index) - 1) + 1px);
+    max-height: calc(100vh - 1px - calc(var(--bar-h) * 2));
+    overflow: auto;
     width: 75vw;
     display: flex;
     flex-wrap: wrap;
+    gap: 1px;
+    padding-bottom: var(--bar-h);
+    box-sizing: border-box;
 .collection > .figfont{
-    padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+    padding: 0rem 0.5rem;
     background: lightgray;
     cursor: pointer;
     white-space: nowrap;
     box-sizing: border-box;
-    outline: 1px solid black;
-    outline-offset: -0.5px;
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: flex-start;
+    align-items: center;
+    gap: 0.25rem;
+    position: relative;
+.specimen-link {
+	display: flex;
+	align-items: center;
+	padding: 1em;
     color: var(--c-link);
 /* catalogue colors */
     content: '';
-    width: 0.75em;
-    height: 0.75em;
+    width: 0.75rem;
+    height: 0.75rem;
     border-radius: 50%;
     background-color: var(--c);
-    margin-right: 0.5em;
     display: inline-block;
-    vertical-align: middle;
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 0.25rem;
+    right: 0.5rem;
+    mix-blend-mode: darken;
+    display: block;
     content: '';
-    width: 1em;
-    height: 1em;
+    width: 0.75rem;
+    height: 0.75rem;
     border-radius: 50%;
     background-color: var(--c);
-    margin-right: 0.5em;
+    margin-right: 0.5rem;
     display: inline-block;
     vertical-align: middle;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.flf b/static/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/3d/isometric1.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.svg b/static/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e3d084caabf283067fbc458b3cc9f3c8cdfa5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/3d/isometric1.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="79.200005" height="126.72" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="79.200005" height="126.72"></rect>
+  <text x="27.720001" y="29.04" >::</text>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="39.600002" >:</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="50.160004" >:</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="50.160004" >:</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="60.72" >:</text>
+  <text x="27.720001" y="60.72" >:</text>
+  <text x="33" y="71.28001" >:</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="81.840004" >:</text>
+  <text x="33" y="102.96001" >:</text>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="10.56" x2="47.52" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="10.56" x2="29.04" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="15.84" x2="29.04" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="10.56" x2="58.08" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="15.84" x2="34.32" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="47.52" y1="10.56" x2="73.920006" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="39.600002" y1="26.400002" x2="39.600002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="44.88" y1="36.960003" x2="44.88" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="50.160004" y1="47.52" x2="50.160004" y2="73.920006" class="broken"></line>
+    <line x1="58.08" y1="63.36" x2="73.920006" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="58.08" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="73.920006" y1="63.36" x2="47.52" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="95.04" x2="26.400002" y2="105.600006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="105.600006" x2="31.68" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="116.16" x2="47.52" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="21.12" x2="23.76" y2="26.400002" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="23.76" y1="26.400002" x2="23.76" y2="52.800003" class="broken"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="18.480001" y2="36.960003" class="solid"></line>
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/3d/isometric2.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/3d/isometric3.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/3d/isometric3.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/3d/isometric4.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/3d/isometric4.flf
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/3d/smisome1.flf
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similarity index 100%
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="15.84" x2="2.64" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="29.04" y1="15.84" x2="29.04" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="21.12" x2="13.200001" y2="26.400002" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="26.400002" x2="13.200001" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="21.12" x2="23.76" y2="26.400002" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="23.76" y1="26.400002" x2="23.76" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/bulbhead.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/bulbhead.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/bulbhead.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/bulbhead.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/bulbhead.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/bulbhead.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="10.56" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+    <path d="M 15.84,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 15.84,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 26.400002,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 26.400002,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/chunky.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/chunky.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/chunky.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/chunky.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/chunky.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/chunky.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb69b8f731a6a1e9e523acd1b76a0de20ef5b745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/chunky.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="10.56" x2="2.64" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="44.88" y1="10.56" x2="44.88" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="42.24" x2="44.88" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="23.76" y1="31.68" x2="23.76" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/crawford.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/crawford.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/crawford.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/crawford.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/crawford.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/crawford.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51ee988bb0e6bafbb323617612bb06ad0f86ae3d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="42.24" height="84.48"></rect>
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+  <line x1="2.64" y1="31.68" x2="2.64" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="5.28" y1="73.920006" x2="15.84" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="17.16" y="71.28001" >j</text>
+  <line x1="21.12" y1="73.920006" x2="31.68" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="33" y="71.28001" >j</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="29.04" >o</text>
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="10.56" x2="5.28" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/cricket.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/cricket.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/cricket.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/cricket.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/cricket.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/cricket.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04f609e3f05eb1c99098e6f31a9b2824fa5c98ac
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <text x="6.6000004" y="29.04" >.</text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="29.04" >1</text>
+  <line x1="7.92" y1="39.600002" x2="7.92" y2="63.36" class="broken"></line>
+  <text x="11.88" y="60.72" >:.</text>
+  <text x="27.720001" y="60.72" >:.</text>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="10.56" x2="2.64" y2="66" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="44.88" y1="10.56" x2="44.88" y2="66" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="23.76" y1="42.24" x2="23.76" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/doom.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/doom.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/doom.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/doom.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/doom.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/doom.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff4f65e81592197d3aadc25751683a4e123889a4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="23.76" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="63.36" x2="13.200001" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/block/drpepper.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/drpepper.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/drpepper.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/drpepper.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/drpepper.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/drpepper.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7663374fd1f9d5c60117529c609b8e368fbe8c7d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/eftirobot.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/eftirobot.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/eftirobot.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/eftirobot.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/eftirobot.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/eftirobot.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1d7db3193935ceb07a1cb79bfb9ac02bfd798db
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="0" y1="52.800003" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/epic.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/epic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/epic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/epic.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/epic.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/epic.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="95.04" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/graceful.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/graceful.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/graceful.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/graceful.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/graceful.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/graceful.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="31.68" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/graffiti.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/graffiti.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/graffiti.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/graffiti.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/graffiti.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/graffiti.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85f94f1c6cba6a7f2ab7d828c48ba5111b9229af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/graffiti.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="63.36" height="73.920006"></rect>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="42.24" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="10.56" x2="58.08" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="42.24" x2="5.28" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="58.08" y1="42.24" x2="47.52" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="21.12" x2="31.68" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="21.12" x2="21.12" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="21.12" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="31.68" x2="29.04" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="52.800003" x2="42.24" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="52.800003" x2="47.52" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/linux.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/linux.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/linux.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/linux.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/linux.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/linux.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de745c974fb22f345e043bf4b9a4fa630143e175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/linux.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="42.24" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="31.68" height="42.24"></rect>
+  <g>
+    <path d="M 5.28,5.28 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,0 2.64,7.92" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="7.92" x2="2.64" y2="23.76" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="5.28" x2="21.12" y2="5.28" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 21.12,5.28 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,1 23.76,7.92" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="23.76" y1="7.92" x2="23.76" y2="23.76" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 2.64,23.76 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,0 5.28,26.400002" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="26.400002" x2="10.56" y2="26.400002" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="26.400002" x2="21.12" y2="26.400002" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 23.76,23.76 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,1 21.12,26.400002" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="10.56" x2="13.200001" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="21.12" x2="10.56" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="21.12" x2="15.84" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/ogre.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/ogre.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/ogre.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/ogre.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/ogre.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/ogre.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95ccdc6c8cca050c38aa9c113f2f491f0bd525a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/ogre.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="42.24" height="63.36"></rect>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="21.12" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="36.960003" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="21.12" x2="10.56" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="42.24" x2="5.28" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="21.12" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="52.800003" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/puffy.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/puffy.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/puffy.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/puffy.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/puffy.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/puffy.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7914869c37a118d51fb33671b77b754d41bc3815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/puffy.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="42.24" height="73.920006"></rect>
+  <line x1="5.28" y1="10.56" x2="31.68" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="33" y="18.480001" >)</text>
+  <line x1="34.32" y1="21.12" x2="34.32" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="1.32" y="60.72" >(</text>
+  <line x1="5.28" y1="63.36" x2="10.56" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="11.88" y="60.72" >)</text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="60.72" >(</text>
+  <line x1="26.400002" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="33" y="60.72" >)</text>
+  <g>
+    <path d="M 2.64,10.56 A 7.92,7.92 0,0,0 2.64,21.12" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="21.12" x2="2.64" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="21.12" x2="21.12" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 15.84,21.12 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 15.84,31.68" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="21.12" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 21.12,21.12 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 21.12,31.68" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="42.24" x2="23.76" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="42.24" x2="13.200001" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="23.76" y1="42.24" x2="23.76" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/rectangles.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/rectangles.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/rectangles.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/rectangles.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/rectangles.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/rectangles.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f00a4857d997a643966726304bf0a87d550f865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/rectangles.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="21.12" x2="2.64" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="21.12" x2="34.32" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="52.800003" x2="34.32" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/rounded.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/rounded.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/rounded.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/rounded.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/rounded.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/rounded.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..188703b6e422069193b7b1ecccaae3af13824530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/rounded.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="21.12" x2="42.24" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 42.24,10.56 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 42.24,21.12" class="nofill"></path>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="31.68" x2="2.64" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="44.88" y1="31.68" x2="44.88" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="42.24" x2="34.32" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="42.24" x2="13.200001" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="42.24" x2="34.32" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="63.36" x2="13.200001" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="63.36" x2="44.88" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/serifcap.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/serifcap.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/serifcap.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/serifcap.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/serifcap.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/serifcap.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7027d0f6637b93e8ee2f0a412108d02bc93961d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <path d="M 21.12,10.56 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 21.12,21.12" class="nofill"></path>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 5.28,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 10.56,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 10.56,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 21.12,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 21.12,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="26.400002" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 26.400002,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 26.400002,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/stacey.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/stacey.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/stacey.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/stacey.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/stacey.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/stacey.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43b782403800121db61697dc4d0d82cb513b8c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/stacey.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+  <text x="33" y="18.480001" >7</text>
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+  <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="21.12" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="21.12" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/starwars.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/starwars.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/starwars.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/starwars.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/starwars.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/starwars.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b9202508e2b233bce9adeac016cb393faadff77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/starwars.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="73.920006" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="10.56" x2="68.64" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="63.36" x2="15.84" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="52.800003" x2="47.52" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="52.800003" x2="15.84" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="47.52" y1="52.800003" x2="52.800003" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="63.36" x2="68.64" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
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+    <line x1="34.32" y1="21.12" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="42.24" x2="42.24" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="31.68" x2="42.24" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/block/stop.flf b/static/db/contributed/block/stop.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/block/stop.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/block/stop.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/block/stop.svg b/static/db/contributed/block/stop.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ef7e4cfcff0372ccec98a7c3cdd08d35b47f091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/block/stop.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/code/binary.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/binary.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/binary.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/binary.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/decimal.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/decimal.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/decimal.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/decimal.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/dwhistled.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/dwhistled.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/dwhistled.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/dwhistled.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/hex.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/hex.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/hex.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/hex.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/l4me.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/l4me.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/l4me.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/l4me.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/octal.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/octal.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/octal.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/octal.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/code/rot13.flf b/static/db/contributed/code/rot13.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/code/rot13.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/code/rot13.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/dingbat/eftichess.flf b/static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftichess.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/dingbat/eftichess.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftichess.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall-chart.txt b/static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall-chart.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall-chart.txt
rename to static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall-chart.txt
diff --git a/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.flf b/static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.txt b/static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.txt
rename to static/db/contributed/dingbat/eftiwall.txt
diff --git a/db/contributed/directions/mirror.flf b/static/db/contributed/directions/mirror.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/directions/mirror.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/directions/mirror.flf
diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/acrobatic.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/bigchief.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/bigchief.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/bigchief.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/bigchief.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/bigchief.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/bigchief.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/goofy.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/goofy.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/lcd.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/lcd.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/lcd.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/lcd.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/lcd.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/lcd.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/speed.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/speed.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/speed.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/speed.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/speed.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/speed.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfae48e0297eb8840a4c8299259b5d428e6b9458
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="0" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="42.24" x2="29.04" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="52.800003" x2="39.600002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3aa350f82b818eb13bd61cc3e0de24b42b5bff16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/effect/tinker-toy.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+  <line x1="5.28" y1="26.400002" x2="23.76" y2="26.400002" class="solid end_marked_open_circle"></line>
+  <line x1="23.76" y1="29.04" x2="23.76" y2="47.52" class="solid end_marked_open_circle"></line>
diff --git a/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.flf b/static/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/effect/tombstone.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.svg b/static/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79bc1013f985196da7a1694235542ba447937e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/effect/tombstone.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="26.400002" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="10.56" x2="7.92" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="7.92" y1="15.84" x2="7.92" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="18.480001" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="18.480001" y1="15.84" x2="18.480001" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/3-d.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/3-d.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/3-d.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/3-d.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/3-d.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/3-d.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4b29b9909312aebab9f4f73c96b710147f15f25
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="95.04" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/3x5.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/3x5.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/3x5.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/3x5.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/3x5.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/3x5.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/alligator.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/alligator.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/alligator.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84647ad1d76748d58c2f8dc8dc9fb5ea2e30f29e
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@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <g>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="47.52" x2="23.76" y2="47.52" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="55.440002" y1="47.52" x2="58.08" y2="47.52" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="63.36" y1="47.52" x2="66" y2="47.52" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="47.52" x2="13.200001" y2="66" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/alligator2.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/alligator2.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/alligator2.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator2.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/alligator2.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6302d9b3eb0b8d092505344dd5e873626e9259b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/alphabet.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/alphabet.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/alphabet.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/alphabet.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/banner.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/banner.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/banner.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3-D.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="38.280003" y="81.840004" >..:</text>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/banner3.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/banner3.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/banner3.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner3.svg
new file mode 100644
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  <rect x="36.960003" y="55.440002" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <line x1="39.600002" y1="60.72" x2="39.600002" y2="66" class="solid"></line>
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+  <rect x="5.28" y="66" width="5.28" height="5.2800064" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <rect x="36.960003" y="66" width="5.279999" height="5.2800064" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <rect x="42.24" y="66" width="5.279999" height="5.2800064" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/banner4.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner4.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/banner4.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/banner4.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/banner4.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/banner4.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/basic.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/basic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/basic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/basic.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/fill/basic.svg b/static/db/contributed/fill/basic.svg
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/broadway.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/broadway.flf
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+  <text x="43.56" y="50.160004" >`88888.</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/calgphy2.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/calgphy2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/calgphy2.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/calgphy2.flf
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new file mode 100644
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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similarity index 100%
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+  <text x="1.32" y="39.600002" >.%%..%%.</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="50.160004" >.%%..%%.</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/cosmic.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/cosmic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/cosmic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/cosmic.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  <text x="48.84" y="60.72" >`</text>
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/jazmine.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/jazmine.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/jazmine.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/jazmine.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/letters.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/letters.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/letters.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/letters.flf
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+  fill: white;
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/lockergnome.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/lockergnome.flf
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/nancyj-fancy.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  <text x="27.720001" y="50.160004" >@!@</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/roman.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/roman.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/roman.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/roman.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  <text x="38.280003" y="39.600002" >`888.</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/rowancap.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/rowancap.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/rowancap.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/rowancap.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/fill/rozzo.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/sblood.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/sblood.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="6.6000004" y="18.480001" >@@!</text>
+  <text x="33" y="18.480001" >@@@</text>
+  <text x="6.6000004" y="29.04" >@</text>
+  <line x1="13.200001" y1="21.12" x2="13.200001" y2="52.800003" class="broken"></line>
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+  <line x1="34.32" y1="21.12" x2="34.32" y2="52.800003" class="broken"></line>
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+  <line x1="44.88" y1="21.12" x2="44.88" y2="52.800003" class="broken"></line>
+  <text x="6.6000004" y="39.600002" >!</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="39.600002" >:</text>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="39.600002" >!</text>
diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/slide.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/slide.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/slide.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/slide.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/stellar.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/stellar.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  <text x="43.56" y="18.480001" >..</text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="29.04" >`.</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="29.04" >`..</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="39.600002" >`..</text>
+  <text x="48.84" y="39.600002" >`..</text>
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+  <text x="1.32" y="71.28001" >`..</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/tanja.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/tanja.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/tanja.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/tanja.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/thick.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/thick.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/thick.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/thick.flf
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/trek.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/fill/trek.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/fill/univers.flf b/static/db/contributed/fill/univers.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/fill/univers.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/fill/whimsy.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/frame/pyramid.flf
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/frame/smkeyboard.flf
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/non-latin/katakana.flf
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/contributed/non-latin/runyc.flf
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/double.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/double.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/eftifont.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/eftitalic.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.svg b/static/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2ec12e05c80119f2adb56b7ce3345bd64875d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/outline/eftiwater.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="42.24" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="17.16" y="18.480001" >`</text>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="21.12" x2="15.84" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
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+    <path d="M 5.28,21.12 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,31.68" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 21.12,21.12 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 21.12,31.68" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/fender.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/fender.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/fender.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/fender.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/outline/fender.svg b/static/db/contributed/outline/fender.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="73.920006" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="27.720001" y="29.04" >...</text>
+  <line x1="36.960003" y1="0" x2="63.36" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="1.32" y="50.160004" >.</text>
+  <text x="64.68" y="50.160004" >.</text>
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+    <line x1="34.32" y1="5.28" x2="58.08" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.svg b/static/db/contributed/outline/fuzzy.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6767b0fcfdd743aaee3a5e664d81cb690c3dea6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="36.960003" height="63.36"></rect>
+  <text x="11.88" y="18.480001" >.;</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="39.600002" >:</text>
+  <line x1="18.480001" y1="31.68" x2="18.480001" y2="52.800003" class="broken"></line>
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+  <text x="11.88" y="50.160004" >;</text>
+  <line x1="21.12" y1="52.800003" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="29.04" y1="10.56" x2="29.04" y2="42.24" class="broken"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/gothic.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/gothic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/gothic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/gothic.flf
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c350c54884776b18179dbbe0bf9765f42eb46e00
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@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <line x1="26.400002" y1="15.84" x2="31.68" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="18.480001" >,</text>
+  <line x1="15.84" y1="46.2" x2="26.400002" y2="46.2" class="solid"></line>
+  <line x1="15.84" y1="48.84" x2="26.400002" y2="48.84" class="solid"></line>
+  <line x1="15.84" y1="68.64" x2="21.12" y2="68.64" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="71.28001" >,</text>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="21.12" x2="36.960003" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="21.12" x2="29.04" y2="58.08" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="21.12" x2="34.32" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="58.08" x2="36.960003" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <path d="M 5.28,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="21.12" x2="5.28" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="63.36" x2="15.84" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 5.28,63.36 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,73.920006" class="nofill"></path>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/kban.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/kban.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/kban.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/kban.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/outline/kban.svg b/static/db/contributed/outline/kban.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f460cfe41ddff4940846f36b4ee6102037cd566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/outline/kban.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="11.88" y="50.160004" >.</text>
+  <text x="27.720001" y="50.160004" >.</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="50.160004" >.</text>
diff --git a/db/contributed/outline/madrid.flf b/static/db/contributed/outline/madrid.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/outline/madrid.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/outline/madrid.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/outline/madrid.svg b/static/db/contributed/outline/madrid.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cc35a606c25c4b642a07afdbab971b09462e919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/outline/madrid.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="21.12" height="42.24" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="13.200001" y1="5.28" x2="13.200001" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/barbwire.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..679de8d7fb468e5dd6b40a66a32c77df242c8d71
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="84.48" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="59.4" y="60.72" >&gt;</text>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..573e1bd162eea1e50607348b94d1830ba10755a1
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+++ b/static/db/contributed/pattern/caligraphy.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="95.04" height="200.64001" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="17.16" y="134.64" >*</text>
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+  <line x1="71.28001" y1="142.56001" x2="76.560005" y2="142.56001" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="29.04" y1="153.12001" x2="44.88" y2="153.12001" class="solid"></line>
+  <line x1="71.28001" y1="153.12001" x2="76.560005" y2="153.12001" class="solid"></line>
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+  <text x="1.32" y="166.32" >*</text>
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+  <text x="1.32" y="176.88" >*</text>
+  <line x1="7.92" y1="184.8" x2="13.200001" y2="184.8" class="solid"></line>
diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5fe919cbf5f3803ea386df0c31bb7c907b048b7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/pattern/catwalk.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="84.48" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/coinstak.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b0af059d18fe7ddd6be870f107a205af2f683d2
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="84.48" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <path d="M 68.64,63.36 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 68.64,73.920006" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/diamond.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/diamond.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/diamond.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/diamond.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/diamond.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/diamond.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84ba9f7e4b9b8a4f6bf25ca2fdebc793ce37089e
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="84.48" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="47.52" y1="21.12" x2="42.24" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="31.68" x2="47.52" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="58.08" y1="42.24" x2="52.800003" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="52.800003" x2="15.84" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="68.64" y1="63.36" x2="63.36" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/dotmatrix.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/marquee.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/marquee.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/marquee.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/marquee.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/nipples.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/nipples.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/nipples.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/nipples.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/os2.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/os2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/os2.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/os2.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/pawp.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/pawp.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/pawp.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/pawp.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/peaks.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/peaks.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/peaks.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/peaks.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/relief.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/relief.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/relief.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/relief.flf
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/relief2.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/relief2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/relief2.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/relief2.flf
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/pattern/relief2.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="47.52" y1="21.12" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="63.36" x2="10.56" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="63.36" x2="42.24" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="63.36" x2="15.84" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="63.36" x2="47.52" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/rev.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/rev.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/rev.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/rev.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/rev.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/rev.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe1d64047ff9153207ac255b3a12f40adec4ef10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/contributed/pattern/rev.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <line x1="47.52" y1="88.44" x2="52.800003" y2="88.44" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="15.84" y1="101.64001" x2="36.960003" y2="101.64001" class="solid"></line>
+  <line x1="47.52" y1="99.00001" x2="52.800003" y2="99.00001" class="solid"></line>
+  <line x1="47.52" y1="101.64001" x2="52.800003" y2="101.64001" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="15.84" y1="59.4" x2="36.960003" y2="59.4" class="solid"></line>
diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/ticks.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticks.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/ticks.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/ticks.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticks.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticks.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b91bf6229352128c09668796014c31ea9e16b8fc
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@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/ticksslant.svg
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="31.68" x2="47.52" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.flf b/static/db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.svg b/static/db/contributed/pattern/usaflag.svg
new file mode 100644
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/script/cursive.flf b/static/db/contributed/script/cursive.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/script/cursive.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/script/cursive.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/script/cursive.svg b/static/db/contributed/script/cursive.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/script/hollywood.flf b/static/db/contributed/script/hollywood.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/script/hollywood.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/script/hollywood.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/script/invita.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/script/invita.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/script/italic.flf b/static/db/contributed/script/italic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/script/italic.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/script/italic.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/script/slscript.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/script/slscript.flf
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/bell.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/bell.flf
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/contessa.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/contessa.flf
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+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/cyberlarge.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/cyberlarge.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/cyberlarge.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/cyberlarge.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
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+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/cybermedium.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/cybermedium.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/cybermedium.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/cybermedium.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/cybersmall.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/cybersmall.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/cybersmall.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/cybersmall.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/fourtops.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/fourtops.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/fourtops.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/fourtops.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/maxfour.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/maxfour.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/maxfour.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/maxfour.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/mike.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/mike.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/mike.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/mike.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/pepper.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/pepper.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/pepper.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/pepper.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/short.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/short.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/short.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/short.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/stroke/short.svg b/static/db/contributed/stroke/short.svg
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/stampatello.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/stampatello.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/stampatello.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/stampatello.flf
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/straight.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/straight.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/straight.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/straight.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/thin.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/thin.flf
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  fill: black;
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+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.svg b/static/db/contributed/stroke/threepoint.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
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+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/twopoint.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/twopoint.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/twopoint.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/twopoint.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/contributed/stroke/weird.flf b/static/db/contributed/stroke/weird.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/contributed/stroke/weird.flf
rename to static/db/contributed/stroke/weird.flf
diff --git a/static/db/contributed/stroke/weird.svg b/static/db/contributed/stroke/weird.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="10.56" x2="5.28" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="31.68" x2="2.64" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/default/block/big.flf b/static/db/default/block/big.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/block/big.flf
rename to static/db/default/block/big.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/block/big.svg b/static/db/default/block/big.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="58.08" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+    <line x1="0" y1="63.36" x2="10.56" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="52.800003" x2="42.24" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="31.68" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/default/block/slant.flf b/static/db/default/block/slant.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/block/slant.flf
rename to static/db/default/block/slant.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/block/slant.svg b/static/db/default/block/slant.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="39.600002" y1="10.56" x2="39.600002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="42.24" x2="29.04" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="52.800003" x2="39.600002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/default/block/small.flf b/static/db/default/block/small.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/block/small.flf
rename to static/db/default/block/small.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/block/small.svg b/static/db/default/block/small.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="36.960003" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/default/block/smslant.flf b/static/db/default/block/smslant.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/block/smslant.flf
rename to static/db/default/block/smslant.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/block/smslant.svg b/static/db/default/block/smslant.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ef2e4fd7ac93b0a1a50d2a47e2cc9db79f0fd6f
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="10.56" x2="34.32" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/default/block/standard.flf b/static/db/default/block/standard.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/block/standard.flf
rename to static/db/default/block/standard.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/block/standard.svg b/static/db/default/block/standard.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02b2d014ea0474b50ca4b411089f5d49049eea9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/default/block/standard.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="63.36" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="10.56" x2="47.52" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="42.24" x2="36.960003" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="52.800003" x2="47.52" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/default/code/term.flf b/static/db/default/code/term.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/code/term.flf
rename to static/db/default/code/term.flf
diff --git a/db/default/directions/ivrit.flf b/static/db/default/directions/ivrit.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/directions/ivrit.flf
rename to static/db/default/directions/ivrit.flf
diff --git a/db/default/effect/shadow.flf b/static/db/default/effect/shadow.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/effect/shadow.flf
rename to static/db/default/effect/shadow.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/effect/shadow.svg b/static/db/default/effect/shadow.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..925f37b94f6ffe547afe31b528df8786facac689
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="5.28" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/default/effect/smshadow.flf b/static/db/default/effect/smshadow.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/effect/smshadow.flf
rename to static/db/default/effect/smshadow.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/effect/smshadow.svg b/static/db/default/effect/smshadow.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..718eca86ce9a4edb753c07ff52819c87481bb2c6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="21.12" x2="5.28" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/default/fill/banner.flf b/static/db/default/fill/banner.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/fill/banner.flf
rename to static/db/default/fill/banner.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/fill/banner.svg b/static/db/default/fill/banner.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..745f34e470fbd6977ccf5c23d6874f03c465c223
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@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
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diff --git a/db/default/frame/bubble.flf b/static/db/default/frame/bubble.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/frame/bubble.flf
rename to static/db/default/frame/bubble.flf
diff --git a/db/default/frame/digital.flf b/static/db/default/frame/digital.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/frame/digital.flf
rename to static/db/default/frame/digital.flf
diff --git a/db/default/pattern/block.flf b/static/db/default/pattern/block.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/pattern/block.flf
rename to static/db/default/pattern/block.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/default/pattern/lean.flf b/static/db/default/pattern/lean.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/pattern/lean.flf
rename to static/db/default/pattern/lean.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/default/script/script.flf b/static/db/default/script/script.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/script/script.flf
rename to static/db/default/script/script.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/script/script.svg b/static/db/default/script/script.svg
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/default/script/smscript.flf b/static/db/default/script/smscript.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/script/smscript.flf
rename to static/db/default/script/smscript.flf
diff --git a/static/db/default/script/smscript.svg b/static/db/default/script/smscript.svg
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/default/stroke/mini.flf b/static/db/default/stroke/mini.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/default/stroke/mini.flf
rename to static/db/default/stroke/mini.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/3d_diagonal.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/3d/alpha.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/alpha.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/alpha.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/alpha.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/3d/blocks.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/blocks.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/blocks.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/blocks.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/blocks.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/blocks.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/db/jave/3d/chiseled.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/chiseled.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/chiseled.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/chiseled.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/chiseled.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/chiseled.svg
new file mode 100644
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  <line x1="42.24" y1="80.520004" x2="47.52" y2="80.520004" class="solid"></line>
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+  <text x="22.44" y="92.4" >`</text>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="52.800003" x2="15.84" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="55.440002" y1="36.960003" x2="60.72" y2="47.52" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="60.72" y1="58.08" x2="68.64" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="63.36" x2="52.800003" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="73.920006" x2="42.24" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/3d/henry3d.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/henry3d.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/henry3d.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/henry3d.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/henry3d.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/henry3d.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c16c4534164c165ee9ccc5806f3bde7d7114414
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+  <text x="38.280003" y="50.160004" >J</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="60.72" >J</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="60.72" >L</text>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="60.72" >J</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="60.72" >L</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="71.28001" >L</text>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="71.28001" >J</text>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="29.04" y1="15.84" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="63.36" x2="2.64" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="73.920006" x2="15.84" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="73.920006" x2="55.440002" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="55.440002" y1="63.36" x2="55.440002" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/3d/impossible.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/impossible.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/impossible.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/impossible.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/impossible.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/impossible.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1837955ddbabc86ca26aa5145442a9770b962028
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="110.880005" height="126.72" class="svgbob">
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="73.920006" y1="84.48" x2="84.48" y2="105.600006" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="63.36" y1="116.16" x2="100.32001" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="95.04" y1="105.600006" x2="89.76" y2="116.16" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/jave/3d/sub-zero.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/sub-zero.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/sub-zero.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/sub-zero.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/sub-zero.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/sub-zero.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afbc2c8ff179615db33ab66beaf5af59a3a67339
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="10.56" x2="0" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="10.56" x2="21.12" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="15.84" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="52.800003" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="31.68" x2="42.24" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="42.24" x2="52.800003" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="42.24" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="42.24" x2="36.960003" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="52.800003" x2="47.52" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="42.24" x2="47.52" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/3d/swampland.flf b/static/db/jave/3d/swampland.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/3d/swampland.flf
rename to static/db/jave/3d/swampland.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/3d/swampland.svg b/static/db/jave/3d/swampland.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7bee33d122b3c2307071381c5266b86f9be3b7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/3d/swampland.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="79.200005" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
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+    <line x1="47.52" y1="10.56" x2="73.920006" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="52.800003" x2="52.800003" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="73.920006" x2="42.24" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="47.52" y1="63.36" x2="42.24" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="73.920006" x2="68.64" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="73.920006" y1="63.36" x2="68.64" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/braced.flf b/static/db/jave/block/braced.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/braced.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/braced.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/braced.svg b/static/db/jave/block/braced.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3aff9ef021365a6c9dfc19d0c80ceda700f1d617
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+  <text x="1.32" y="39.600002" >`</text>
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diff --git a/db/jave/block/crazy.flf b/static/db/jave/block/crazy.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/crazy.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/crazy.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/crazy.svg b/static/db/jave/block/crazy.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/jave/block/ghoulish.flf b/static/db/jave/block/ghoulish.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/ghoulish.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/ghoulish.flf
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <line x1="21.12" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
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+  <text x="17.16" y="50.160004" >,&#39;</text>
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+    <path d="M 5.28,21.12 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,31.68" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 5.28,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 5.28,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 5.28,42.24 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 5.28,52.800003" class="nofill"></path>
+    <path d="M 5.28,52.800003 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 5.28,63.36" class="nofill"></path>
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/glenyn.flf b/static/db/jave/block/glenyn.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/glenyn.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/glenyn.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/glenyn.svg b/static/db/jave/block/glenyn.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="31.68" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="10.56" x2="26.400002" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="5.28" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="15.84" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="42.24" x2="21.12" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="31.68" x2="21.12" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/jacky.flf b/static/db/jave/block/jacky.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/jacky.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/jacky.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/jacky.svg b/static/db/jave/block/jacky.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/block/lineblocks.flf b/static/db/jave/block/lineblocks.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/lineblocks.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/lineblocks.flf
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/block/merlin1.flf b/static/db/jave/block/merlin1.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/merlin1.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/merlin1.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/merlin1.svg b/static/db/jave/block/merlin1.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/merlin2.flf b/static/db/jave/block/merlin2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/merlin2.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/merlin2.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/merlin2.svg b/static/db/jave/block/merlin2.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63bf86cb69f334f89f7e80476c20493c38eda100
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="15.84" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="26.400002" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="42.24" y1="52.800003" x2="31.68" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="47.52" y1="52.800003" x2="36.960003" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="21.12" y1="42.24" x2="15.84" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="52.800003" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="0" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="52.800003" x2="10.56" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="63.36" x2="10.56" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="63.36" x2="15.84" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/modular.flf b/static/db/jave/block/modular.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/modular.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/modular.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/modular.svg b/static/db/jave/block/modular.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee3565368b896aa4828e371e699e315d30d473da
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="2.64" y1="10.56" x2="44.88" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="10.56" x2="2.64" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="44.88" y1="10.56" x2="44.88" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="73.920006" x2="18.480001" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="18.480001" y1="63.36" x2="29.04" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="18.480001" y1="63.36" x2="18.480001" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="63.36" x2="29.04" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="29.04" y1="73.920006" x2="44.88" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.flf b/static/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/red_phoenix.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.svg b/static/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85f94f1c6cba6a7f2ab7d828c48ba5111b9229af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/block/red_phoenix.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="21.12" x2="21.12" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="31.68" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="21.12" x2="36.960003" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="52.800003" x2="42.24" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="52.800003" x2="47.52" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/smallcaps.flf b/static/db/jave/block/smallcaps.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/smallcaps.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/smallcaps.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/smallcaps.svg b/static/db/jave/block/smallcaps.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74fad50868d6d6bf1adb7e79b645e8ffaefa9159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/block/smallcaps.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+    <line x1="15.84" y1="21.12" x2="26.400002" y2="21.12" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="10.56" x2="31.68" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="10.56" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/soft.flf b/static/db/jave/block/soft.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/soft.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/soft.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/soft.svg b/static/db/jave/block/soft.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41fc4e50ec8b242ea35420132e0842a869a35bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/block/soft.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="73.920006" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="52.800003" height="73.920006"></rect>
+  <text x="22.44" y="29.04" >O</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="39.600002" >|</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="39.600002" >|</text>
+  <g>
+    <path d="M 15.84,15.84 A 5.28,5.28 0,0,0 11.88,18.480001" class="nofill"></path>
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+  <g>
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+    <path d="M 29.04,55.440002 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,0 31.68,58.08" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="58.08" x2="42.24" y2="58.08" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="42.24" x2="2.64" y2="55.440002" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 2.64,55.440002 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,0 5.28,58.08" class="nofill"></path>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="58.08" x2="15.84" y2="58.08" class="solid"></line>
+    <path d="M 18.480001,55.440002 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,1 15.84,58.08" class="nofill"></path>
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+    <path d="M 44.88,55.440002 A 2.64,2.64 0,0,1 42.24,58.08" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/spliff.flf b/static/db/jave/block/spliff.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/spliff.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/spliff.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/spliff.svg b/static/db/jave/block/spliff.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35379616586ec436e5541e9ba5874be9624e97a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/block/spliff.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="42.24" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
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+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
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+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="10.56" x2="2.64" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="2.64" y1="15.84" x2="2.64" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="10.56" x2="34.32" y2="15.84" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="34.32" y1="15.84" x2="34.32" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="31.68" x2="21.12" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="0" y1="31.68" x2="5.28" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="5.28" y1="42.24" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="18.480001" y1="31.68" x2="18.480001" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="31.68" x2="31.68" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/block/stforek.flf b/static/db/jave/block/stforek.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/stforek.flf
rename to static/db/jave/block/stforek.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/block/stforek.svg b/static/db/jave/block/stforek.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de60584318c8f6b793a3eb00393eb742f8b43a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/block/stforek.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36.960003" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
+  <style>.svgbob line, .svgbob path, .svgbob circle, .svgbob rect, .svgbob polygon {
+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/test1.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/block/varsity.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/code/ICL-1900.flf b/static/db/jave/code/ICL-1900.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/ICL-1900.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/ICL-1900.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/code/binary.flf b/static/db/jave/code/binary.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/binary.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/binary.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/code/dosrebel.flf b/static/db/jave/code/dosrebel.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/dosrebel.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/dosrebel.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/code/mnemonic.flf b/static/db/jave/code/mnemonic.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/mnemonic.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/mnemonic.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/code/morse.flf b/static/db/jave/code/morse.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/morse.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/morse.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/code/morse2.flf b/static/db/jave/code/morse2.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/code/morse2.flf
rename to static/db/jave/code/morse2.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/dingbat/DANC4.flf b/static/db/jave/dingbat/DANC4.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/dingbat/DANC4.flf
rename to static/db/jave/dingbat/DANC4.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/dingbat/hieroglyphs.flf
rename to static/db/jave/dingbat/hieroglyphs.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/directions/flipped.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/directions/horizontalleft.flf
rename to static/db/jave/directions/horizontalleft.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/directions/horizontalright.flf b/static/db/jave/directions/horizontalright.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/directions/horizontalright.flf
rename to static/db/jave/directions/horizontalright.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/directions/knob.flf
rename to static/db/jave/directions/knob.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/directions/rotated.flf b/static/db/jave/directions/rotated.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/directions/rotated.flf
rename to static/db/jave/directions/rotated.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/effect/dancingfont.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/dancingfont.flf
similarity index 100%
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="58.08" height="84.48" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26f058d311ac7e78fd973a8e4e07ef2115127a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-k.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="95.04" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <path d="M 15.84,31.68 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 15.84,42.24" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
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+    <path d="M 5.28,42.24 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 5.28,52.800003" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
+  <g>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="84.48" x2="15.84" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="52.800003" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="52.800003" x2="42.24" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="73.920006" x2="26.400002" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="73.920006" x2="15.84" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="73.920006" x2="31.68" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="84.48" x2="42.24" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
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+    <path d="M 42.24,52.800003 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 42.24,63.36" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26f058d311ac7e78fd973a8e4e07ef2115127a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/effect/fire_font-s.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="52.800003" height="95.04" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <path d="M 15.84,52.800003 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 15.84,63.36" class="nofill"></path>
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+    <line x1="5.28" y1="84.48" x2="15.84" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="52.800003" x2="26.400002" y2="52.800003" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="63.36" x2="31.68" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="52.800003" x2="42.24" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="73.920006" x2="26.400002" y2="73.920006" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="21.12" y1="73.920006" x2="15.84" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="73.920006" x2="31.68" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="31.68" y1="84.48" x2="42.24" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
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+    <path d="M 36.960003,52.800003 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,0 36.960003,63.36" class="nofill"></path>
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+    <path d="M 42.24,52.800003 A 10.56,10.56 0,0,1 42.24,63.36" class="nofill"></path>
+  </g>
diff --git a/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/flowerpower.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4086afca6d0f73cc15262bfec678ac37dec02c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/db/jave/effect/flowerpower.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="63.36" height="105.600006" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/funface.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/funface.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/funface.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/funface.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/funfaces.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/funfaces.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/funfaces.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/funfaces.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/funfaces.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/funfaces.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/ghost.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/ghost.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/ghost.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/ghost.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/lildevil.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/lildevil.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/lildevil.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/lildevil.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/lildevil.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/lildevil.svg
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/rammstein.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/rammstein.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/rammstein.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/rammstein.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/train.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/train.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/train.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/train.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/train.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/train.svg
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/twisted.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/twisted.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/twisted.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/twisted.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/twisted.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/twisted.svg
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diff --git a/db/jave/effect/wetletter.flf b/static/db/jave/effect/wetletter.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/effect/wetletter.flf
rename to static/db/jave/effect/wetletter.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/effect/wetletter.svg b/static/db/jave/effect/wetletter.svg
new file mode 100644
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <line x1="31.68" y1="63.36" x2="36.960003" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="38.280003" y="60.72" >)</text>
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+    <line x1="10.56" y1="31.68" x2="31.68" y2="31.68" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/jave/fill/4max.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/4max.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/4max.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/4max.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/fill/4max.svg b/static/db/jave/fill/4max.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="47.52" height="52.800003" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="1.32" y="39.600002" >dP</text>
+  <text x="33" y="39.600002" >Yb</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="39.600002" ></text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="39.600002" ></text>
diff --git a/db/jave/fill/Georgia11.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/Georgia11.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/Georgia11.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/Georgia11.flf
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2cff7d0bfe4f0381adacfeee2d462372ed523d4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="79.200005" height="105.600006" class="svgbob">
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+  stroke: black;
+  stroke-width: 2;
+  stroke-opacity: 1;
+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  <text x="27.720001" y="39.600002" >;MM:</text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="50.160004" >,V^MM.</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="60.72" >,M</text>
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/amcneko.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/amcneko.flf
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  <text x="33" y="60.72" >SSSSS</text>
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+  <text x="33" y="92.4" >SSSSS</text>
diff --git a/db/jave/fill/amcslash.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/amcslash.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/amcslash.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/amcslash.flf
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+  <text x="33" y="50.160004" >S%S</text>
+  <text x="33" y="60.72" >S%S</text>
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+  <text x="33" y="81.840004" >;,.</text>
+  <text x="33" y="92.4" >;:&#39;</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="29.04" >sS</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="39.600002" >SS</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="50.160004" >SSSs.</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="60.72" >SS</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="71.28001" >SS</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="81.840004" >SS</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="92.4" >:;</text>
diff --git a/db/jave/fill/amctubes.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/amctubes.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/amctubes.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/amctubes.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/fill/amctubes.svg b/static/db/jave/fill/amctubes.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/jave/fill/bolger.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/bolger.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/bolger.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/bolger.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/bright.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/bright.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/fill/defleppard.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/defleppard.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/defleppard.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/defleppard.flf
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+  <rect x="42.24" y="108.240005" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <text x="48.84" y="113.520004" >DW</text>
+  <rect x="58.08" y="108.240005" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <line x1="60.72" y1="113.520004" x2="60.72" y2="118.8" class="solid"></line>
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+  <text x="69.96" y="113.520004" >,</text>
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+  <rect x="26.400002" y="118.8" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <rect x="31.68" y="118.8" width="5.2800026" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <line x1="34.32" y1="124.08" x2="34.32" y2="126.72" class="solid"></line>
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+  <line x1="60.72" y1="124.08" x2="60.72" y2="129.36" class="solid"></line>
+  <rect x="63.36" y="118.8" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <line x1="66" y1="124.08" x2="66" y2="129.36" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="69.96" y="124.08" >,</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="134.64" >:K#K:</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="134.64" >L</text>
+  <rect x="58.08" y="129.36" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
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+  <rect x="63.36" y="129.36" width="5.279999" height="5.279999" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <line x1="66" y1="134.64" x2="66" y2="139.92" class="solid"></line>
+  <text x="69.96" y="134.64" >,</text>
+  <text x="6.6000004" y="145.20001" >;</text>
+  <line x1="13.200001" y1="137.28" x2="13.200001" y2="139.92" class="solid"></line>
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+  <rect x="15.84" y="139.92" width="5.2800007" height="5.280014" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <text x="22.44" y="145.20001" >D.</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="145.20001" >L</text>
+  <rect x="58.08" y="139.92" width="5.279999" height="5.280014" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <rect x="63.36" y="139.92" width="5.279999" height="5.280014" class="solid filled" rx="0"></rect>
+  <text x="69.96" y="145.20001" >,</text>
+  <text x="6.6000004" y="155.76001" >,,,</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="155.76001" >.,,</text>
diff --git a/db/jave/fill/filter.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/filter.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/filter.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/filter.flf
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diff --git a/db/jave/fill/georgi16.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/georgi16.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/georgi16.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/georgi16.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  <text x="17.16" y="102.96001" >d&#39;</text>
+  <text x="48.84" y="102.96001" >YM.</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="113.520004" >,MMMMMMMMb</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="124.08" >d&#39;</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="124.08" >YM.</text>
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diff --git a/db/jave/fill/konto.flf b/static/db/jave/fill/konto.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/konto.flf
rename to static/db/jave/fill/konto.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/oldbanner.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/fill/smpoison.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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similarity index 100%
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+  <text x="43.56" y="18.480001" >..</text>
+  <text x="22.44" y="29.04" >[.</text>
+  <text x="43.56" y="29.04" >[..</text>
+  <text x="17.16" y="39.600002" >[..</text>
+  <text x="48.84" y="39.600002" >[..</text>
+  <text x="11.88" y="50.160004" >[......</text>
+  <text x="54.120003" y="50.160004" >[..</text>
+  <text x="6.6000004" y="60.72" >[..</text>
+  <text x="59.4" y="60.72" >[..</text>
+  <text x="1.32" y="71.28001" >[..</text>
+  <text x="64.68" y="71.28001" >[..</text>
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/bear.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/bear.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/bear.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/bear.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/cards.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/cards.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/cards.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/cards.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/heart_left.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/heart_left.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/heart_left.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/heart_left.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/heart_right.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/heart_right.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/heart_right.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/heart_right.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/keyboard.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/keyboard.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/keyboard.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/keyboard.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/frame/puzzle.flf b/static/db/jave/frame/puzzle.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/frame/puzzle.flf
rename to static/db/jave/frame/puzzle.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/non-latin/greek.flf b/static/db/jave/non-latin/greek.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/non-latin/greek.flf
rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/greek.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/non-latin/jerusalem.flf b/static/db/jave/non-latin/jerusalem.flf
similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/jerusalem.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/non-latin/moscow.flf b/static/db/jave/non-latin/moscow.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/non-latin/moscow.flf
rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/moscow.flf
diff --git a/db/jave/non-latin/mshebrew210.flf b/static/db/jave/non-latin/mshebrew210.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/non-latin/mshebrew210.flf
rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/mshebrew210.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/non-latin/ntgreek.flf
rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/ntgreek.flf
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/jave/non-latin/runic.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/non-latin/smtengwar.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/outline/amcrazo2.flf
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+  <text x="33" y="81.840004" >..</text>
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/jave/outline/amcthin.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/outline/amcun1.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/outline/broadway_kb.flf
rename to static/db/jave/outline/broadway_kb.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/outline/doubleshorts.flf
rename to static/db/jave/outline/doubleshorts.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
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rename to static/db/jave/pattern/arrows.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.flf b/static/db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.flf
rename to static/db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.svg b/static/db/jave/pattern/peaksslant.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
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diff --git a/db/jave/pattern/reverse.flf b/static/db/jave/pattern/reverse.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/pattern/reverse.flf
rename to static/db/jave/pattern/reverse.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/pattern/reverse.svg b/static/db/jave/pattern/reverse.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe1d64047ff9153207ac255b3a12f40adec4ef10
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/pattern/s-relief.flf b/static/db/jave/pattern/s-relief.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/pattern/s-relief.flf
rename to static/db/jave/pattern/s-relief.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/pattern/s-relief.svg b/static/db/jave/pattern/s-relief.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f7403e0612d2d08ca1c005e7fea97c4f31d6dfb
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+    <line x1="31.68" y1="31.68" x2="26.400002" y2="42.24" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="26.400002" y1="63.36" x2="36.960003" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="42.24" y1="52.800003" x2="36.960003" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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+    <line x1="36.960003" y1="84.48" x2="47.52" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="52.800003" y1="73.920006" x2="47.52" y2="84.48" class="solid"></line>
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+  <g>
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+    <line x1="100.32001" y1="52.800003" x2="95.04" y2="63.36" class="solid"></line>
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diff --git a/db/jave/pattern/starstrips.flf b/static/db/jave/pattern/starstrips.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/pattern/starstrips.flf
rename to static/db/jave/pattern/starstrips.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/pattern/starstrips.svg b/static/db/jave/pattern/starstrips.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/pattern/tubular.flf b/static/db/jave/pattern/tubular.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/pattern/tubular.flf
rename to static/db/jave/pattern/tubular.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/pattern/tubular.svg b/static/db/jave/pattern/tubular.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..773d6f953c6a33f0ad4f258806d5876edeaa9340
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/script/cola.flf b/static/db/jave/script/cola.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/script/cola.flf
rename to static/db/jave/script/cola.flf
diff --git a/static/db/jave/script/cola.svg b/static/db/jave/script/cola.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..734a326bc42d7cf67b53e6e4bc4569d2e21d5190
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@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/script/dietcola.flf b/static/db/jave/script/dietcola.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/script/dietcola.flf
rename to static/db/jave/script/dietcola.flf
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@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/script/santaclara.flf b/static/db/jave/script/santaclara.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/script/santaclara.flf
rename to static/db/jave/script/santaclara.flf
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
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+  stroke: black;
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+  font-size: 14px;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/1row.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/1row.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/1row.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/1row.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/B1FF.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/B1FF.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/B1FF.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/B1FF.flf
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/amc3line.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/amc3line.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/amc3line.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/amc3line.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/amcslder.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/amcslder.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/amcslder.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/amcslder.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/ascii_new_roman.flf
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/benjamin.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/benjamin.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/bigfig.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/cygnet.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/cygnet.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/cygnet.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/cygnet.flf
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+  stroke: black;
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+  fill-opacity: 1;
+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
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+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/muzzle.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/muzzle.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/muzzle.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/muzzle.flf
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/shimrod.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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diff --git a/db/jave/stroke/stampate.flf b/static/db/jave/stroke/stampate.flf
similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/stampate.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/stampate.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
rename from db/jave/stroke/swan.flf
rename to static/db/jave/stroke/swan.flf
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  fill: white;
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+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
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+  fill: black;
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+  fill: white;
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+  fill: white;
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+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
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+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
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+  marker-end: url(#circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
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+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
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+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
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similarity index 100%
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+  stroke-linecap: round;
+  stroke-linejoin: miter;
+.svgbob text {
+  white-space: pre;
+  fill: black;
+  font-family: Iosevka Fixed, monospace;
+  font-size: 14px;
+.svgbob rect.backdrop {
+  stroke: none;
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .broken {
+  stroke-dasharray: 8;
+.svgbob .filled {
+  fill: black;
+.svgbob .bg_filled {
+  fill: white;
+  stroke-width: 1;
+.svgbob .nofill {
+  fill: white;
+.svgbob .end_marked_arrow {
+  marker-end: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .start_marked_arrow {
+  marker-start: url(#arrow);
+.svgbob .end_marked_diamond {
+  marker-end: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .start_marked_diamond {
+  marker-start: url(#diamond);
+.svgbob .end_marked_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#open_circle);
+.svgbob .end_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-end: url(#big_open_circle);
+.svgbob .start_marked_big_open_circle {
+  marker-start: url(#big_open_circle);
+  <defs>
+    <marker id="arrow" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,0 0,4 4,2 0,0"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="diamond" viewBox="-2 -2 8 8" refX="4" refY="2" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <polygon points="0,2 2,0 4,2 2,4 0,2"></polygon>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="2" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+    <marker id="big_open_circle" viewBox="0 0 8 8" refX="4" refY="4" markerWidth="7" markerHeight="7" orient="auto-start-reverse">
+      <circle cx="4" cy="4" r="3" class="bg_filled"></circle>
+    </marker>
+  </defs>
+  <rect class="backdrop" x="0" y="0" width="26.400002" height="21.12"></rect>
+  <line x1="5.28" y1="0" x2="0" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+  <g>
+    <line x1="10.56" y1="0" x2="5.28" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="7.92" y1="5.28" x2="18.480001" y2="5.28" class="solid"></line>
+    <line x1="15.84" y1="0" x2="21.12" y2="10.56" class="solid"></line>
+  </g>
diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html
index 6aa467d4437f14484782823b2639b8524f258bbf..91500c21cd67a44fda1ee3546af67530d4b96967 100644
--- a/templates/base.html
+++ b/templates/base.html
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     <!-- CSS reset, uncomment this line to supress the default browser CSS style -->
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/css/reset.css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/reset.css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/basics.css" />
     <!-- CSS that is applied but outside of pad (for interface, etc) -->
-    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/css/interface.css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/interface.css" />
     {% block head %}{% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/catalogue.html b/templates/catalogue.html
index 78addbe7f300568dd858332d7314c49675b737a2..1a0654ea6d08ae9c72ee8f1d64d53107f00487ec 100644
--- a/templates/catalogue.html
+++ b/templates/catalogue.html
@@ -5,55 +5,60 @@
 {% block body %}
   <header class="controls">
-    <label>figfont</label>
-    <details>
-      <summary>mini</summary>
+    <details class="collection-menu" id="collection-menu">
+      <summary id="current-figfont">swan.flf</summary>
       {% for type, type_data in collection.items()%}
           <summary>{{type}} <span>{{type_data['ascii']}}</span></summary>
-          <div class="collection">
+          <div class="collection" style="--index: {{loop.index}};">
           {% for database in databases.keys() %}
             {% set fonts = type_data['fonts']|selectattr('database', 'equalto', database) %}
             {% for f in fonts %}
-              <div value="{{f['figfont']}}" class="{{f['database']}} figfont">{{f['name']}}</div>
+              <div data-path="{{f['path']}}" data-name="{{f['name']}}" class="{{f['database']}} figfont">
+                <img class="thumbnail" src="{{f['thumbnail']}}">
+                {{f['name']}}
+              </div>
             {% endfor %}
           {% endfor %}
+          <a class="specimen-link" href="/specimen/{{type}}" target="_blank">see all {{type}}</a>
       {% endfor %}
+        <div class="collection-menu-back">
+          {% for database, legend in databases.items() %}
+            <div class="legend {{database}}"><strong>{{database}}</strong> {{legend}}</div>
+          {% endfor %}
+        </div>
+    <hr>
     <input class="get-input" id="text-input" type="text" value="{{params['text']}}" data-name="t" data-frame="svg-iframe"/>
     <label  for="upper-checkbox">uppercase</label>
     <input  id="upper-checkbox" type="checkbox"/>
-    <hr>
     <button id="button-svg">generate</button>
     <input class="get-input" type="range" min="1" max="8" value="{{params['weight']}}" data-name="w" data-frame="svg-iframe"/>
-    <label  class="fix-label" for="fix-checkbox"
+    <!-- <label  class="fix-label" for="fix-checkbox"
             title="custom regex to try to map unrecognized character to ones that are processed by svgbob">
     <input  id="fix-checkbox" type="checkbox" 
-            class="body-class-check" value="check-fix" checked/>
-    <label  for="text-checkbox"
-            title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
-            output text</label>
-    <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" class="get-input"
-            class="body-class-check" value="check-text" data-name="c" data-frame="svg-iframe" checked/>
+            class="body-class-check" value="check-fix" checked/> -->
-  <div class="font catalogue" id="main">
-    <iframe class="f-double" id="svg-iframe" src="/writing/{{ 'db/default/stroke/mini.flf'.split('/') | join('_') }}">
+  <div class="font catalogue reload" id="main">
+    <iframe   class="f-double" id="svg-iframe" 
+              src="/writing/{{ 'static/db/jave/stroke/swan.flf'.split('/') | join('$') }}">
@@ -61,6 +66,8 @@
     let button_svg = document.getElementById('button-svg');
     let svg_iframe = document.getElementById('svg-iframe');
     let pad_iframe = document.getElementById('pad-iframe');
+    let figfonts = document.querySelectorAll('.figfont');
+    let current = document.getElementById('current-figfont');
     let new_url = new URL(svg_iframe.src);
@@ -76,6 +83,28 @@
         frame.src = new_src;
+    // --- change current figfont
+    for(let figfont of figfonts){
+      figfont.addEventListener('click', function(){
+        let encoded_path = figfont.dataset.path.split('/').join('$');
+        let figname = figfont.dataset.name;
+        let svg_src = svg_iframe.src;
+        svg_src = svg_src.split('/');
+        svg_src[svg_src.length-1] = encoded_path;
+        svg_src = svg_src.join('/');
+        current.innerHTML = figname;
+        new_url = new URL(svg_src);
+        document.getElementById('main').classList.add("reload");
+        document.getElementById('collection-menu').removeAttribute("open");
+        svg_iframe.src = svg_src;
+      });
+    }
     // --- svg generation button
     button_svg.addEventListener('click', function(){
       svg_iframe.src = new_url;
diff --git a/templates/draw.html b/templates/draw.html
index 6f6a81349e6fb5e8b3868f08c4f1fe3fa7530579..1e7637a829e82b2dcd059092031a24e7cabc14fc 100644
--- a/templates/draw.html
+++ b/templates/draw.html
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
     <input class="get-input" type="range" min="1" max="8" value="{{params['weight']}}" data-name="w" data-frame="svg-iframe"/>
-    <label  class="text-label" for="text-checkbox"
-            title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
-            output text</label>
-    <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" class="get-input"
-            class="body-class-check" value="check-text" data-name="c" data-frame="svg-iframe" checked/>
   <div class="font reload" id="main">
@@ -56,7 +51,6 @@
     button_pad.addEventListener('click', function(){
       let input = document.getElementById(button_pad.dataset.use);
       let value = input.value;
-      let param = input.dataset.name;
       let pad_src = pad_iframe.src;
       pad_src = pad_src.split('-');
@@ -69,10 +63,9 @@
       svg_src[svg_src.length-1] = value;
       svg_src = svg_src.join('/');
-      new_url = new URL(svg_iframe.src);
+      new_url = new URL(svg_src);
+      svg_iframe.src = new_url;
-      svg_iframe.src = svg_src;
     // --- svg generation button
diff --git a/templates/drawing.html b/templates/drawing.html
index b7e80554134042f5d05aec81fe5a8f6fb06a9727..3e899304ce41d218159f2d635cd3880cd20a3310 100644
--- a/templates/drawing.html
+++ b/templates/drawing.html
@@ -4,27 +4,7 @@
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     <script src="/static/js/FileSaver.js"></script>
-    <style>
-      #save-buttons{
-        position: fixed;
-        top: 0.5em;
-        right: 0.5em;
-      }
-      .svgbob text {
-        font-family: monospace !important;
-        font-weight: bold !important;
-        fill: red !important;
-      }
-      .svgbob text{
-        visibility: hidden;
-      }
-      body.check-text .svgbob text{
-          visibility: visible;
-      }
-      input, button{
-        font-family: monospace;
-      }
-    </style>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/basics.css" />
@@ -32,23 +12,31 @@
     {{ svg|safe }}
     <div id="save-buttons">
+      <label  for="text-checkbox"
+              title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
+              output text</label>
+      <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" class="body-class-check" value="check-text" data-name="c" data-frame="svg-iframe" checked/>
       <button id="save-svg">get SVG</button>
       <button id="save-hpgl">get HPGL</button>
-      function get2bodyclass(){
-        const url = new URL(window.location.href);
-        let checked; 
-        checked = url.searchParams.get("c");
-        if(checked == "false"){
-          document.body.classList.remove("check-text");
+      function toggle_class(classname, val){
+        if(val){
+            document.body.classList.add(classname);
-          document.body.classList.add("check-text");
+            document.body.classList.remove(classname);
-      get2bodyclass();
+      let body_class_checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("body-class-check");
+      for(let checkbox of body_class_checkboxes){
+          let classname = checkbox.value;
+          checkbox.addEventListener('input', function(){
+              toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
+          });
+          toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
+      }
diff --git a/templates/font.html b/templates/font.html
index 9b814962235c0b7175dfcfe0a895329d4acea436..ba1193546dad0662fce44cc5b3e9703a1d623a95 100644
--- a/templates/font.html
+++ b/templates/font.html
@@ -9,24 +9,19 @@
     <input id="pad-name" type="text" value="{{params['pad']}}" data-name="p"/>
     <button id="button-pad" data-use="pad-name">go</button>
+    <hr>
     <input class="get-input" id="text-input" type="text" value="{{params['text']}}" data-name="t" data-frame="svg-iframe"/>
     <label  for="upper-checkbox">uppercase</label>
     <input  id="upper-checkbox" type="checkbox"/>
-    <hr>
     <button id="button-svg">generate</button>
     <input class="get-input" type="range" min="1" max="8" value="{{params['weight']}}" data-name="w" data-frame="svg-iframe"/>
-    <label  for="text-checkbox"
-            title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
-            output text</label>
-    <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" class="get-input"
-            class="body-class-check" value="check-text" data-name="c" data-frame="svg-iframe" checked/>
   <div class="font reload" id="main">
@@ -73,10 +68,9 @@
         svg_src[svg_src.length-1] = value;
         svg_src = svg_src.join('/');
-        new_url = new URL(svg_iframe.src);
+        new_url = new URL(svg_src)
+        svg_iframe.src = new_url;
-        svg_iframe.src = svg_src;
     // --- svg generation button
diff --git a/templates/index.html b/templates/index.html
index 7ec3f73e6450583e03b735d28355ca9c2c038e53..e66a46b4d49cd62e9eea3fd718dffce4a3df9038 100644
--- a/templates/index.html
+++ b/templates/index.html
@@ -16,13 +16,16 @@
         <ul class="special">
-            <li><a href="https://etherpad.org/" target="_blank">Etherpad</a></li>
+            <li class="choice">
+              <div class="materiality"><a href="https://etherpad.org/" target="_blank">Etherpad</a></div>
+              <div class="materiality"><a href="http://www.figlet.org/" target="_blank">FIGlet</a></div>
+            </li>
-            <li><a href="http://www.figlet.org/" target="_blank">FIGlet</a></li>
-            <li>2</li>
-            <li><a href="https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/" target="_blank">Svgbob.rs</a></li>
-            <li>2</li>
-            <li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP-GL" target="_blank">HPGL</a></li>
+            <li class="materiality">ASCII</li>
+            <li>2 <a href="https://ivanceras.github.io/svgbob-editor/" target="_blank">Svgbob.rs</a></li>
+            <li class="materiality">SVG</li>
+            <li>2 <a href="https://github.com/abey79/vpype" target="_blank">vpype</a></li>
+            <li class="materiality">HPGL</li>
     <div class="box two-columns">
diff --git a/templates/writing.html b/templates/writing.html
index 317e7d243fb6dd2af49bab52c5b85654b445bb21..f9def793feb2d67ce928dfe5a9c9bd985ee0f885 100644
--- a/templates/writing.html
+++ b/templates/writing.html
@@ -4,77 +4,43 @@
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     <script src="/static/js/FileSaver.js"></script>
-    <style>
-      #save-svg{
-        position: fixed;
-        top: 0.5em;
-        right: 0.5em;
-      }
-      .svgbob text {
-        font-family: monospace !important;
-        font-weight: bold !important;
-        fill: red !important;
-      }
-      .svgbob text{
-        visibility: hidden;
-      }
-      body.check-text .svgbob text{
-          visibility: visible;
-      }
-      .double-font{
-        height: 100vh;
-        display: grid;
-        grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
-        gap: 1rem;
-        margin: 0;
-      }
-      .double-font div{
-        background-color: white;
-        border: 1px solid black;
-        overflow: auto;
-        padding: 1rem;
-        font-family: monospace;
-        font-size: 1rem;
-      }
-      .f-ascii{
-        font-family: monospace;
-        font-size: 1rem;
-      }
-      .f-svg svg{
-        overflow: visible;
-      }
-      input, button{
-        font-family: monospace;
-      }
-    </style>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/basics.css" />
   <body class="double-font">
     <div class="f-svg">
       {{ svg|safe }}
+      <div id="save-buttons">
+        <label  for="text-checkbox"
+                title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
+                output text</label>
+        <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" class="body-class-check" value="check-text" data-name="c" data-frame="svg-iframe" checked/>
+        <button id="save-svg">get SVG</button>
+        <button id="save-hpgl">get HPGL</button>
+      </div>
     <div class="f-ascii"><pre>{{ ascii|safe }}</pre></div>
-    <div id="save-buttons">
-      <button id="save-svg">get SVG</button>
-      <button id="save-hpgl">get HPGL</button>
-    </div>
-      function get2bodyclass(){
-        const url = new URL(window.location.href);
-        let checked = url.searchParams.get("c");
-        if(checked == "false"){
-          document.body.classList.remove("check-text");
+      function toggle_class(classname, val){
+        if(val){
+            document.body.classList.add(classname);
-          document.body.classList.add("check-text");
+            document.body.classList.remove(classname);
-      get2bodyclass();
+      let body_class_checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("body-class-check");
+      for(let checkbox of body_class_checkboxes){
+          let classname = checkbox.value;
+          checkbox.addEventListener('input', function(){
+              toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
+          });
+          toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
+      }