diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
index 3a1f049c0109313ce467022701e5e0861060c5be..884defea98c89721380ba1b0217226d71f3bf98c 100644
--- a/app.py
+++ b/app.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import re
 import sys
 import tempfile
 import io
-from svg_to_hpgl import svgToHPGL
+import requests
+# from svg_to_hpgl import svgToHPGL
 app = Flask(__name__)
@@ -16,7 +17,32 @@ possible_extensions = [".flf"]
 etherpad = 'https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/'
 prefix = 'cobbled-pad-'
+# ------------------------------
+output = {
+    'stroke':  { 'ascii': ' | ' , 'fonts': [] },
+    'script':  { 'ascii': ' _/' , 'fonts': [] },
+    'block':   { 'ascii': '|_|' , 'fonts': [] },
+    'outline': { 'ascii': '/ /' , 'fonts': [] },
+    'effect':  { 'ascii': ': :' , 'fonts': [] },
+    'pattern': { 'ascii': ')()' , 'fonts': [] },
+    # 'fill': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
+    # 'directions': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
+    # '3d': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
+    # 'frame': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
+    # 'code': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
+databases = {
+    'default': 'fonts made by the figlet developpers and given with the program, early 1993',
+    'contributed': 'fonts made by figlet amateurs and submitted to the official figlet ftp, from before 1993 to 2005', 
+    'jave': 'figlet font library of JavE (a free Ascii drawing Editor)',
 # ------------------------------
 # all the character that svgbob understand
@@ -43,13 +69,46 @@ autofix = [
     [re.compile(r_nspec), "#"],
+# ------------------------------
 def most_common(lst):
     return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)
+def text2figlet(input, figfont):
+    figlet = subprocess.run(["figlet", input, "-f", figfont, "-w", "160"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
+    return figlet.stdout
+def ascii2svg(ascii_input, weight):
+    svgbob = subprocess.run(["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', weight], input = ascii_input, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
+    return svgbob.stdout
+def ascii_autofix(ascii):
+    for regex, replace in autofix:
+        ascii = re.sub(regex, replace, ascii)
+    return ascii
+def autofix_indication(ascii):
+    for regex, replace in autofix:
+        # the two markers have to not appear in any regex
+        ascii = re.sub(regex, "$" + replace + "€", ascii)
+    ascii = re.sub("[\$]", "<span class='fix'>", ascii)
+    ascii = re.sub("[\€]", "</span>", ascii)
+    return ascii
 # ------------------------------
+#  _           _           
+# (_)_ __   __| | _____  __
+# | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ \/ /
+# | | | | | (_| |  __/>  < 
+# |_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/_/\_\
 def index():
@@ -57,6 +116,16 @@ def index():
         title = title)
+#      _                    
+#   __| |_ __ __ ___      __
+#  / _` | '__/ _` \ \ /\ / /
+# | (_| | | | (_| |\ V  V / 
+#  \__,_|_|  \__,_| \_/\_/  
+# one iframe for the etherpad
+# another iframe to dump the generated svg
 def draw():
@@ -71,6 +140,39 @@ def draw():
         title = title,
         params = params)
+# this is the route of the iframe where the svg is generated and dumped
+def drawing(id):
+    params = {
+        'pad': id or 'default',
+        'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
+    }
+    params['pad-full'] = etherpad + prefix + params['pad']
+    # get pad content
+    print('  getting ' + params['pad-full'])
+    pad_export = requests.get(params['pad-full'] + '/export/txt')
+    ascii_input = pad_export.text
+    # to SVG
+    svg = ascii2svg(ascii_input, params['weight']);
+    return render_template(
+        'drawing.html',
+        title = title,
+        params = params,
+        svg = svg)
+#            _        _                        
+#   ___ __ _| |_ __ _| | ___   __ _ _   _  ___ 
+#  / __/ _` | __/ _` | |/ _ \ / _` | | | |/ _ \
+# | (_| (_| | || (_| | | (_) | (_| | |_| |  __/
+#  \___\__,_|\__\__,_|_|\___/ \__, |\__,_|\___|
+#                             |___/  
 def catalogue():
@@ -80,27 +182,6 @@ def catalogue():
         'text': request.args.get('t') or 'Echoes',
         'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
-    output = {
-        'stroke':  { 'ascii': ' | ' , 'fonts': [] },
-        'script':  { 'ascii': ' _/' , 'fonts': [] },
-        'block':   { 'ascii': '|_|' , 'fonts': [] },
-        'outline': { 'ascii': '/ /' , 'fonts': [] },
-        'effect':  { 'ascii': ': :' , 'fonts': [] },
-        'pattern': { 'ascii': ')()' , 'fonts': [] },
-        # 'fill': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
-        # 'directions': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
-        # '3d': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
-        # 'frame': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
-        # 'code': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
-    }
-    databases = {
-        'default': 'fonts made by the figlet developpers and given with the program, early 1993',
-        'contributed': 'fonts made by figlet amateurs and submitted to the official figlet ftp, from before 1993 to 2005', 
-        'jave': 'figlet font library of JavE (a free Ascii drawing Editor)',
-    }
     # walk in the figlet font directory
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fonts_directory):
@@ -109,8 +190,8 @@ def catalogue():
             (basename, ext) = os.path.splitext(name)
             if  ext in possible_extensions:
-                path = os.path.join(root, name)
-                print(path)
+                figfont = os.path.join(root, name)
+                print(figfont)
                 # get font category out of last folder
                 catalogue = root.split('/')[-2]
@@ -121,37 +202,16 @@ def catalogue():
                     f['name'] = name
                     f['catalogue'] = catalogue
-                    figlet = subprocess.run(["figlet", params['text'], "-f", path, "-w", "160"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
-                    f['ascii'] = figlet.stdout
-                    font_info = subprocess.run(["figlet", "-I", path, "-w", "160"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
-                    f['info'] = font_info
-                    svgbob = subprocess.run(["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', params['weight']], input = f['ascii'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
-                    f['svg'] = svgbob.stdout
+                    f['ascii'] = text2figlet(params['text'], figfont)
+                    f['svg'] = ascii2svg(f['ascii'], params['weight'])
                     # regex auto_fix
-                    fixed = f['ascii']
-                    for regex, replace in autofix:
-                        fixed = re.sub(regex, replace, fixed)
-                    f['ascii_fix'] = fixed
+                    f['ascii_fix'] = ascii_autofix(f['ascii'])
                     if f['ascii'] != f['ascii_fix']:
                         f['autofix'] = True
-                        fix_indication = f['ascii']
-                        for regex, replace in autofix:
-                            # the two markers have to not appear in any regex
-                            fix_indication = re.sub(regex, "$" + replace + "€", fix_indication)
-                        fix_indication = re.sub("[\$]", "<span class='fix'>", fix_indication)
-                        fix_indication = re.sub("[\€]", "</span>", fix_indication)
-                        f['ascii_fix_indication'] = fix_indication
-                        svgbob_fix = subprocess.run(["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', params['weight']], input = f['ascii_fix'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
-                        f['svg_fix'] = svgbob_fix.stdout
+                        f['ascii_fix_indication'] = autofix_indication(f['ascii_fix'])
+                        f['svg_fix'] = ascii2svg(f['ascii_fix'], params['weight'])
     return render_template(
@@ -160,6 +220,9 @@ def catalogue():
         output = output,
         params = params)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
 def make_svg ():
     return ''
diff --git a/templates/draw.html b/templates/draw.html
index b1781cf57c904da617d171ec3c146e6ba0213d1a..dcdbdaba8871f5b72024854c88a69262e0cedd96 100644
--- a/templates/draw.html
+++ b/templates/draw.html
@@ -6,57 +6,76 @@
   <header class="controls">
-    <input class="get-input" type="text" value="{{params['pad']}}" data-name="p"/>
-    <button>go</button>
+    <input id="pad-name" type="text" value="{{params['pad']}}" data-name="p"/>
+    <button id="button-pad" data-use="pad-name">go</button>
-    <button onClick="window.location.reload();">generate</button>
+    <button id="button-svg">generate</button>
-    <label>weight</label>
-    <input class="get-input" type="range" min="1" max="8" value="{{params['weight']}}" data-name="w"/>
+    <!-- <label>weight</label>
+    <input class="get-input" type="range" min="1" max="8" value="{{params['weight']}}" data-name="w"/> -->
-    <label  class="text-label" for="text-checkbox"
+    <!-- <label  class="text-label" for="text-checkbox"
             title="display the remaining text in the svg output in red">
             output text</label>
     <input  id="text-checkbox" type="checkbox" 
-            class="body-class-check" value="check-text" checked/>
+            class="body-class-check" value="check-text" checked/> -->
-        let inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('get-input');
-        for(let input of inputs){
-            input.addEventListener('input', function(){
-                const url = new URL(window.location.href);
-                url.searchParams.set(input.dataset.name, input.value);
-                window.history.replaceState(null, null, url);
-            });
+        function updateGET(frame, param, value){
+            // object from GET parameters
+            let [base_src, params_src] = frame.src.split("?");
+            let params = new URLSearchParams(params_src);
+            // update param
+            params.set(param, value);
+            // reconstituate URL
+            let new_src = base_src + "?" + params.toString();
+            // set and refresh
+            frame.src = new_src;
-    </script>
-    <script>
-        function toggle_class(classname, val){
-            if(val){
-                document.body.classList.add(classname);
-            }
-            else{
-                document.body.classList.remove(classname);
-            }
-        }
-        let body_class_checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("body-class-check");
-        for(let checkbox of body_class_checkboxes){
-            let classname = checkbox.value;
-            checkbox.addEventListener('input', function(){
-                toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
-            });
-            toggle_class(classname, checkbox.checked);
-        }
+        let button_pad = document.getElementById('button-pad');
+        let button_svg = document.getElementById('button-svg');
+        // --- pad go button
+        button_pad.addEventListener('click', function(){
+            let svg_iframe = document.getElementById('svg-iframe');
+            let pad_iframe = document.getElementById('pad-iframe');
+            let input = document.getElementById(button_pad.dataset.use);
+            let value = input.value;
+            let param = input.dataset.name;
+            let pad_src = pad_iframe.src;
+            pad_src = pad_src.split('-');
+            pad_src[pad_src.length-1] = value;
+            pad_src = pad_src.join('-');
+            pad_iframe.src = pad_src;
+            let svg_src = svg_iframe.src;
+            svg_src = svg_src.split('/');
+            svg_src[svg_src.length-1] = value;
+            svg_src = svg_src.join('/');
+            svg_iframe.src = svg_src;
+        });
+        // --- svg generation button
+        button_svg.addEventListener('click', function(){
+            let svg_iframe = document.getElementById('svg-iframe');
+            svg_iframe.contentWindow.location.reload();
+        });
   <div class="font">
-    <iframe class="f-ascii" src="{{params['pad-full']}}">
+    <iframe class="f-ascii" id="pad-iframe" src="{{params['pad-full']}}">
-    <div class="f-svg"></div>
+    <div class="f-svg">
+        <iframe id="svg-iframe" src="/drawing/{{params['pad']}}">
+        </iframe>
+    </div>
     <aside class="right">
       <button>> SVG</button>
       <button>> HPGL</button>
diff --git a/templates/drawing.html b/templates/drawing.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4000ac6e3043444986ca43a2d927e18dd79cbbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/drawing.html
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+  <head>
+    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/css/reset.css" />
+    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/css/interface.css" />
+  </head>
+  <body class="">
+    {{ svg|safe }}
+  </body>
\ No newline at end of file