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<title>OSP-foundry :: Sans Guilt</title>
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<body><h1>Sans Guilt</h1><p><a href=""><img alt="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-291" src="iceberg/SANS_GUILT.png" title="Sans-Guilt_Specimen"/></a></p>
<p>The three Sans Guilt fonts have been produce during “Read The Fucking Manual”, an OSP workshop at Deparment 21 (Royal College of Art), using Gimp, Fonzie and Fontforge. They are different versions of Gill Sans based on three different sources.<br/>
Sans Guilt MB: Based on a rasterized pdf made with the Monotype Gill Sans delivered with Mac OSX.<br/>
Sans Guilt DB: Based on early sketches by Eric Gill<br/>
Sans Guilt LB: Based on lead type from Royal College of Arts letterpress workshop.</p></body>