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from flask import Flask, Response, request, render_template
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import subprocess
import os
import re
import sys
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import tempfile
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import io
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from svg_to_hpgl import svgToHPGL
Doriane's avatar
Doriane committed

app = Flask(__name__)

title = 'Cobbled paths'

fonts_directory = 'db/'
possible_extensions = [".flf"]
etherpad = ''
prefix = 'cobbled-pad-'

# ------------------------------

# all the character that svgbob understand
spec = [".", ",", "", "'", "`", "+", "*", "o", "O", "V", "\\-", "|", "~", "_", ":", "!", "<", ">", "v", "^", "/", "\\\\", '\\', '\\"', "(", ")", "=", "#"]
r_spec = "".join(spec)
r_nspec = "[^" + r_spec + "\€\$\s]"

# autofix regex
autofix = [
    # every arrowshead into lines
    [re.compile("[<{]"), "("],
    [re.compile("[>}L]"), ")"],
    [re.compile("[vV]"), "-"],
    [re.compile("[\\^]"), "-"],

    [";", ":"],
    ["7", "/"],

    [re.compile("[1Tlj\\[\\]]"), "|"],
    [re.compile("[Y]"), "+"],

    # every not in the spec --> block
    [re.compile(r_nspec), "#"],

def most_common(lst):
    return max(set(lst), key=lst.count)

# ------------------------------

def index():

    return render_template(
        title = title)

def draw():

    params = {
        'pad': request.args.get('p') or 'default',
        'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
    params['pad-full'] = etherpad + prefix + params['pad']

    return render_template(
        title = title,
        params = params)

def catalogue():
    # text and weight as get parameter
    params = {
        'text': request.args.get('t') or 'Echoes',
        'weight': request.args.get('w') or '3',
    output = {
        'stroke':  { 'ascii': ' | ' , 'fonts': [] },
        'script':  { 'ascii': ' _/' , 'fonts': [] },
        'block':   { 'ascii': '|_|' , 'fonts': [] },
        'outline': { 'ascii': '/ /' , 'fonts': [] },
        'effect':  { 'ascii': ': :' , 'fonts': [] },
        'pattern': { 'ascii': ')()' , 'fonts': [] },

        # 'fill': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },

        # 'directions': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
        # '3d': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },

        # 'frame': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
        # 'code': { 'ascii': '_/', 'fonts': {} },
    databases = {
        'default': 'fonts made by the figlet developpers and given with the program, early 1993',
        'contributed': 'fonts made by figlet amateurs and submitted to the official figlet ftp, from before 1993 to 2005', 
        'jave': 'figlet font library of JavE (a free Ascii drawing Editor)',

    # walk in the figlet font directory
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fonts_directory):
        for name in files:

            (basename, ext) = os.path.splitext(name)
            if  ext in possible_extensions:

                path = os.path.join(root, name)

                # get font category out of last folder
                catalogue = root.split('/')[-2]
                type = root.split('/')[-1]
                if type in output:
                    f = {}
                    f['name'] = name
                    f['catalogue'] = catalogue

                    figlet =["figlet", params['text'], "-f", path, "-w", "160"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
                    f['ascii'] = figlet.stdout

                    font_info =["figlet", "-I", path, "-w", "160"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
                    f['info'] = font_info

                    svgbob =["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', params['weight']], input = f['ascii'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
                    f['svg'] = svgbob.stdout
                    # regex auto_fix
                    fixed = f['ascii']
                    for regex, replace in autofix:
                        fixed = re.sub(regex, replace, fixed)
                    f['ascii_fix'] = fixed

                    if f['ascii'] != f['ascii_fix']:
                        f['autofix'] = True

                        fix_indication = f['ascii']
                        for regex, replace in autofix:
                            # the two markers have to not appear in any regex
                            fix_indication = re.sub(regex, "$" + replace + "", fix_indication)
                        fix_indication = re.sub("[\$]", "<span class='fix'>", fix_indication)
                        fix_indication = re.sub("[\€]", "</span>", fix_indication)
                        f['ascii_fix_indication'] = fix_indication

                        svgbob_fix =["svgbob_cli", '--stroke-width', params['weight']], input = f['ascii_fix'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
                        f['svg_fix'] = svgbob_fix.stdout

    return render_template(
        title = title,
        databases = databases,
        output = output,
        params = params)

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gijs committed
def make_svg ():
    return ''

def hpgl ():
    # generate svg
    svg = make_svg()
    # store as a temporary file
    (svg_file, svg_path) = tempfile.mkstemp()

    # transform to hpgl
    hpgl = svgToHPGL(svg_path)

    # remove tmp file

    r = Response(hpgl, mimetype='application/hpgl')

        'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="cobbled-paths.hpgl"'

    return r

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Doriane committed
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='')