import re
import urllib
pads = [
# pads = [
# '../classification-systems/encyclopedia.txt',
# '../classification-systems/cyclopaedia.txt',
# '../classification-systems/greatinventions.txt',
# '../classification-systems/polyhistor.txt',
# '../classification-systems/etymologiae.txt',
fileout = open("../../stories/system-"+padname+".html","w+")
# fileout = open("../html2print/stories/systems.html","w+")
for pad in pads:
lines = urllib.urlopen(pad).readlines()
padname = pad.replace('../classification-systems/','')
padname = padname.replace('.txt','')
padname = padname.replace('','')
padname = padname.replace('/export/txt','')
tmp.append('<div class="column">')
tmp.append('<div class="title">'+padname+'</div>')
for line in lines:
line = re.sub(r"\s{8}", "\t", line)
m ="^\t*", line)
if m:
tab = len( + 1
strtab = str(tab)
line = line.replace("\t","")
if '$!' in line:
line = line.replace('$!','<span class="annotation">')
line = line+'</span>'
# fontsize = 55/tab # commented out to style the fontsize in css
# fontsize = str(fontsize) # commented out to style the fontsize in css
# fontsize = str(12); # uncomment to set fixed fontsize